By Ross McKinnon on Friday, 17 October 2014
Category: Neck

Neck Pain - A combination of exercise and manual therapy to the neck and upper back results in speedy recovery

Neck Pain - A combination of exercise and manual therapy to both the neck and upper back results in speedy recovery 

Manual Physical Therapists have long recognized the importance of treating the thoracic spine in conjunction with treatment to the neck.  “Mechanical neck pain” is the name used when joint and muscle problems result in neck pain. Mechanical neck pain is pain that it typically centred around the neck, shoulders and upper back. Current evidence supports that a combination of manual therapy and exercise is effective for patients with mechanical neck pain. Three categories of manual therapy treatments for the neck and upper back are used to lessen neck pain:

Joint Mobilization can be a rhythmic oscillation or a sustained pressure applied to the joints of the body. This will help to decrease pain as well as restore normal mobility and function.

Joint Manipulation involves a skilled, quick, passive movement applied by a manual therapist to a specific joint. This will help decrease pain as well as restore normal mobility and function.

Soft Tissue Mobilization (including massage, trigger point therapy, etc.) is applied to the muscles, tendons and ligaments. This will help relax muscles, increase circulation, break up scar tissue, and ease pain in the soft tissue.

Specific therapeutic exercises are also used to maintain and restore range of motion.  The exercises prescribed will be specific to your neck condition.

A Manual Physical Therapist will complete a thorough history taking and physical examination to determine which manual therapy techniques will best help you.  Treatment will also include education in specific therapeutic exercise.  Advice is also provided on ways to reduce the physical stress and strain you are placing on your neck.

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